
Mission Statement

St. Peter’s Academy, Kankerkhera is committed to impart to its students value based education in order to enable them to live for God and for humanity through their activities, be it moral, spiritual, intellectual or social. The school intends to achieve this by instilling in them the values like truthfulness, justice, compassion, risk taking, understanding and brotherhood since God is the father of all.

By inculcating in the students the spirit of teamwork and co-operation with healthy competitions, we guide the students to seek knowledge which leads to truth.

It is said, ‘Truth will make your free’.

Besides academic studies, the school attaches great importance to the activities outside ordinary class routine. These extra-curricular activities are aimed at developing the important traits of character like honesty, self confidence co-operation among the students and hard work in order to awaken their hidden talents for leadership and social responsibility to their own family and society at large.